

Property Name: Caravanserai of Qansuh al-Ghuri
Inventory No: 20-2-14
Date of infill of the inventory form: 2007-12-17
Country (State party): Egypt
Province: Cairo
Geographic coordinates: 30° 2′ 44.31″ N
31° 15′ 39.28″ E
Historic Period: Burji Mamluk (1382-1517)
Year of Construction: 1504-1505
Original Use: Caravanserai
Current Use: Commercial
Architect: Unknown

Caravanserai of Qansuh al-Ghuri is a typical city caravanserai of historic Cairo. It has a rectangular plan, with a spacious courtyard in the middle, surrounded by rooms on each side. The ground floors of the multi-storey building have storage rooms which are assigned for goods that will be distributed or exported, while on the upper floors there are rooms for merchants, craftsmen, travellers and pilgrims to rent and stay. Each accomodation unit consists of a triplex of rooms, linked with an inner staircase.

Selection Criteria
vi. to be directly or tangibly associated with events or living traditions, with ideas, or with beliefs, with artistic and literary works of outstanding universal significance

State of Preservation


Michell, George. Architecture of the Islamic World: Its History and Social Meaning. Thames and Hudson, London, 1978.